Publication : reaction & resistance to fire in the Monumental magazine

This issue invites the reader to enter the heart of museums located in heritage sites. The examples chosen reflect the various questions raised by their protection, restoration or extension, as well as the upgrading, particularly in terms of accessibility, of these places very frequented by the public. The scientific and technical dossier relates to wood: state of knowledge of the material, diagnosis and conservation / restoration treatments.

Woodenha Industries exposes on two pages the strengths and weaknesses of wood (inflammable material, indisputably) in terms of fire resistance and reaction to fire, but especially existing techniques that improve its performance against fire. Starting from general elements on the characteristics of natural wood combustion, Jean-Baptiste Aurel (Member of the Society of Wood Experts and founder of Woodenha Industries) then presents the two main techniques of fireproofing of solid wood elements (or reconstituted solid wood), i.e. fireproofing in the mass, or fireproofing on the surface. The latter is done by applying an intumescent flame retardant finish; respecting an appropriate amount, the intumescent finish of Woodenha Industries can improve the fire resistance of wood up to R60 (60 mintues).

To be read in the last issue of the Monumental magazine, Editions du Patrimoine.

Monumental, half-yearly 2017-2 Museums and historic monuments
Publication: January 4, 2018 – Price: 30 €
On sale in bookstores
23 x 29.5 cm – paperback with flaps – 132 pages – 368 illustrations


Amélioration de la résistance au feu de poutres en bois en rénovation d’un bâtiment classé. Concept Store Empreintes. Architectes: Nabil Hamdouni & César Vabre. Photo: Cyrus Cornut

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